New Delhi | In an effort to boost sales of the Samsung Gear VR Headset in India , the Korean tech giant Company Samsung has priced the VR headset at just Rs 990. Under Samsung's new offer customer can find it at a very low price. The actual price of the Samsung Gear VR headset is Rs 8,200.
Also Read : Samsung Smartphones available at just Rs 1 until May 15
According to Mumbai-based retailer Mahesh Telecom, the custmoer can buy Gear VR headset at just Rs 990 along with any Samsung Galaxy S7 or Galaxy S7 edge Smartphones. The offer is limited to just the month of May. Customer needs to register themselves through 'My Galaxy app' then they can redeem the coupon for Gear VR and can buy the headset at Rs 990 by June 30.
Samsung claims that this device offers a new experience to movies, 360 video games and other new materials available for the headset. Virtual reality headset is the result of Oculus alliance with the company Facebook.
There are several sensors which sense the movement of the head during playing mobile games. Company says that it will give a view of 96-degree angle to the screen and it would seems like to seeing a 4.4 meter screen from two meters away.
The VR Headset are designed to be compatible with all major smartphones and usually fits every eye as they come with adjustable IPD and object length. This will make it suitable to all as you can adjust the focal length and object length to suit your vision and face.
ReplyDeleteAugmented reality (AR) is a live direct or indirect view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements are augmented (or supplemented) by computer-generated sensory input such as sound,
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Samsung is really offering smartphone vr headset at the cool price. That's great. Love to buy one at this price.